
Trek FX+ 7s Review: Great promotions, high price

For years, I Daily Trek passengers, FX+ 2, were the best selection in the list of the best electrical bikes. If you are new in bicycles, $ 2,500 is a reasonable price for reliable daily passengers, you can expect a qualified person to collect and fix it for you.

I was upset to hear that Trek was updating the FX+ series, but I threw a little move to the TQ HPR50 engine, which has a smooth pin-teded tubes engine-a more expensive driving system we saw for the first time on high-end mountain bicycles in Trek. The new FX+ 7s is silent and more powerful, but it raises the price a little. However, as a person spent $ 5,000 on his daily traveler, $ 4000 is at a price point for reasonable passengers. and It is a problem less than getting a motorcycle license.

What is the application

Several days ago, I stopped FX+ 7 in front of my father’s house. My father came out and shouted, “What a beautiful bike!” It is, just like its predecessor! I have tested the small -sized frame, which fits myself 5 “perfectly. (It is a step, so even if you are the shortest of what it should do.) The frame of aluminum, and all cables are directed internally, so it contains a very clean appearance.

A side offer for the FX Plus 7.S. Blue electric bike with trees and a small hill in the background

Photo: Adrian like this

One of the FX+ 2 promotions is that the bike now has a built -in LED TQ screen in a bottom. It is bright and easy to read, and you can pass through it to see different statistics such as the battery ratio, how many time you left for its ride (almost), and what is the primary direction you face (useful!).

If you don’t want to use the screen, you can also connect your bike to your phone via the Trek Central app (iOS and Android). There is a quadruple lock on the comfortable positions so that you can use your phone as a width. I didn’t get a quad lock box (I must get it), but I liked the application a lot. There are many tabs, the first of which is your bike dashboard, map and transportation, record your ride, and finally settings, which allow you to tamper with all these things.

Screen shots from the Trek FX Plus 7.S. Electrical bike shows the user and engine information board ...


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