
Openai Exec is left to start operating material science

Liam Fedus, Vice President of Openai to search post -training, leaves the company to establish AI Science Science.

Initially I mentioned the FEDUS plans. In a statement about X, Fedus confirmed the report and added some additional details.

“University students in physics were keen to apply this technology there,” Vidos said in the statement. “Since the artificial intelligence of science is one of the most important areas of strategy achieved by Openai and the achievement of (artificial SuperTelligence), Openai is planning to invest in my new company and partnership with my new company.”

Fedus will compete with Google DeepMind, Microsoft and others in the area of ​​nascent AI materials. In 2023, DeepMind claimed that the AI, Gnome system, found crystals that could be used to create new materials. Recently, Microsoft unveiled a pair of AI tools that discover materials called Mattergen and Mattersim.

Some experts are skeptical that today’s artificial intelligence is really capable of new scientific discoveries.

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